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小小主公 1.5.0
※Q版三國策略戰爭手遊※最休閒的Q版三國策略戰爭手遊《小小主公-小小三國豪華版》重磅來襲!最萌的Q版武將,最休閒的策略戰爭玩法,最歡快的遊戲節奏,打造最與眾不同的亂世三國。《小小主公-小小三國豪華版》獨創休閒策略玩法,一邊是培養軍隊,保衛家園的三國群英戰;一邊是兵種相克,智計無雙的三國策略戰爭;轉瞬卻是激萌畫風,歡快音樂的趣味萌三國!讓您在歡樂的遊戲節奏下輕鬆實現攻城掠地、稱霸天下的三國夢。史上最新穎的三國之戰已正式開啟,全球華裔邀您共聚小小主公-小小三國豪華版成就無雙霸業!==遊戲特色==【萌三國 激萌畫風打造別樣三國】遊戲採用Q版萌系畫風,呆萌可愛的三國武將,清新動人的亂世紅顏,共同打造一個別具風格的夢三國!【戰三國 新增陣營戰役邀您來戰!】攻城、掠地、平匪、陣營戰四大征戰體系完美交互呈現,以戰養戰,帶給您最與眾不同的征戰體驗。陣營戰役是全平臺玩家共同參與的多人交互玩法,將“休閒”與“戰略”進行不可思議的結合!【趣三國 歡快節奏助力趣味玩法】歡快的背景音樂,可愛的角色配音,營造了一個輕鬆愉悅的遊戲節奏,加上遊戲內豐富的趣味玩法,足以讓您有一場與眾不同的Q版三國之行!【聚三國 全球華裔共建家園領地】千萬玩家共聚三國時代,白手起家創建家園,通過自己的努力建設家園設施,壯大實力,為征戰三國奏響號角!【智三國 智謀無雙掌控亂世戰局】盾克弓,弓克槍,槍克騎,騎克盾,不同兵種相互克制,行軍作戰謀算天下,於亂世三國戰爭之中展現雄才偉略!【統三國 征戰天下實現王者霸業】三國大軍縱橫賓士,英雄猛將橫刀立馬,保衛家園,征戰三國,一將功成,三國霸業唯您而已!
貓咪庭院物語 1.05
Have you ever heard that cats can work part-time, carry water andfarm for expeditions? Want to know how such a magical and cute catwas raised? Come and experience this healing casual cat game!
Merge Slamdunks: All-Star Game 3.0
Merge Slamdunks, run your brain! Merge Slamdunks: All-StarGamebrings you into the basketball world and this classic gameiswaiting you to challenge! The goal is very simple, just mergethesame players and level up.The game is completely free and easytoplay. Merge Slamdunks will mesmerize you from the beginning,andyou will have a game experience you have never had before. Whyyoulike Merge Slamdunks: A new type of merge game and will keepyouimmersed in the fun of the game for a long time.Endlesschallenges, you can keep playing and always find somethingnew inthe game. Accumulate experience in the process of playing thegame.Upgrade your players and you will get surprise. Game Features:FreeFree Free Easy control show off your record to your friends Doyouhave any questions about the game? We are very happy to solveanyproblems you encounter in the game, please contact us intime.Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/MergeSlamdunks
Solitaire Rush - 2048 7.0
The only aim is maximizing your score by merging the cardsfromsmallest to biggest one! Make 2048! Gain extra bonus pointwithmaking combos. Double, triple merge your cards to gain extrabonuspoints. And in the game, you may meet "Undo" Card, "WILD" Cardand"Bomb" Card. The "Undo" Card can increase one chanceforrevocation, the "WILD" Card can combine with any cards andthe"Bomb" Card can eliminate a whole column. The more you play,themore scores you will get. Although it looks simple,you may havetowork hard in order to get higher score. Game Features: FreeFreeFree Endless mode Easy control show off your record to yourfriends
Cats' Plus! 1.3.3
Cats' Plus!, a puzzle and casual game
"In 2034, Humans are on the brink of extinction.Zombieepidemickeeps spreading all over the world. Human survivors are inextremedanger.Hopefully,viral serum is about to complete, however,humansstill need to take back their lost land from the zombies ortheyhave nowhere to go. Therefore, some brave survivors cometogetherto fight the zombies.Now,you're the leader of thesurvivors, andyou need to lead other survivors to win over thezombie army. "This game is casual and fun, but you have your"mission." Here aresome advice for you. 1.The left weapons ofammunition depot isextremely precious, which means you need tostudy and upgrade eachweapon through consolidation carefully to getbetter skills. 2.Always remember to go to the training range toimprove yourshooting accuracy. 3. Always remember to upgrade yourweapons tostay best status. 4. Always remember your mission and bestrong. 5.Always remember all luck is with you. If you want to findus,Please follow FB fan page:https://www.facebook.com/wecasualbase/Or send an email to:cs.solo@gamemorefun.com
小小客棧 - 模擬經營掛機遊戲 1.1.0
江湖流傳小小客棧美食絕頂,表面掌櫃是美女孫小小,可是,你,作為這個客棧背後的真正主理人,會如何讓小小客棧變成名副其實的江湖傳奇呢~這不只是一個遊戲,這也是一間小小客棧的逆襲之路。從破爛簡陋變到金碧輝煌,從門庭冷清變到賓客盈門,從粗茶淡飯變到滿漢全席…請帶領小小客棧走向逆襲之路,贏得最後的終極大獎吧! 【裝修添置土雞變鳳凰】剛接手小小客棧,入目皆是破爛,地上滿是髒污。先從打掃開始做起吧,清掃整修,添置第一張餐桌,第一塊牌匾,第一個聚寶盆…賺取更多的金錢,讓你的客棧裝修更上一層樓,吸引更多歷史名人高級顧客吧。【滿漢全席 都到我的碗裡來】美食文化素來博大精深,只有留住客人的胃,才能真正留住他們的心~小小客棧更是深諳其道。客人們的想法總是很多,要求更是千奇百怪,吃不到喜歡的菜餚,他們可是會生氣的。解鎖升級更多精美菜餚吧,牡丹燕菜,杏花羊腸…沒有做不到,只有想不到~【名人委託 你想要的 我全都有】客棧名氣大了,信任本客棧或者想來“踢館”的客人也越來越多了。來自魏延的挑釁,揚言小小客棧無法做出他想要的菜餚;蘇軾的委託,希望客棧可以給他一份與家鄉妻子烹製味道相似的紅燒肉…擼起袖子,積極接受挑戰吧!【店員招募 西施還是貂蟬?】客棧的名氣響徹大江南北,許多名人也應聲而來,甚至想要成為客棧的一份子!努力與顧客培養好感度,好感度達到一定等級後,便可僱傭他們為你工作了。到時候煩惱的可不是店員太少忙不過來了,只會陷入兩難——西施和貂蟬,我該選擇哪一個呢?【花園奇景 御井烹香】客棧的規模擴大到一定的範圍了,是時候開拓一下花園了!為花園鋪上小路,建造溫泉,種植月季與牡丹,培養駿馬…為你的顧客們提供一個吟詩作對、閒情逸致、餐後消食的絕妙場所。粉絲專頁地址: https://facebook.com/com.solo.hotel/
Solitaire Crush - 2048 1.0.8
The only aim is maximizing your score by merging the cardsfromsmallest to biggest one! Make 2048! Gain extra bonus pointwithmaking combos. Double, triple merge your cards to gain extrabonuspoints. And in the game, you may meet "Undo" Card, "WILD" Cardand"Bomb" Card. The "Undo" Card can increase one chanceforrevocation, the "WILD" Card can combine with any cards andthe"Bomb" Card can eliminate a whole column. The more you play,themore scores you will get. Although it looks simple,you may havetowork hard in order to get higher score. Game Features: FreeFreeFree Endless mode Easy control show off your record to yourfriendsDo you have any questions about the game? We are very happytosolve any problems you encounter in the game, please contact usintime. FacebookFanPage:https://www.facebook.com/SolitaireCrush2048/E-mail:crush2048@gmail.com
狂暴戰車 1.0.0
【標語】 車神之爭—決戰秋名山 【遊戲介紹】 升級愛車進入賽場,開啟你的車神之旅。闖關獲取獎勵升級愛車,提升愛車等級掃清一切障礙。趕緊加入這款經典街機射擊遊戲!轟炸其他玩家以及無法無天的幫派老大,奪回你的領先地位!【遊戲特色】—收集各式豪華戰車,強大無敵無人機,讓你輕鬆應戰各路玩家!—一路轟爆無敵手,機具考驗的環境與致命障礙物,你有能耐奪回最強寶座嘛?—完成任務關卡,揭開你地盤老大的身份!【官方資訊】《狂暴戰車》官方粉團:https://www.facebook.com/violentchariots/
我要當皇上 8.0
【標語】 一路逆襲,終成皇上 【遊戲介紹】 萌系的人物造型,經典的玩法體驗。 讓你從小乞丐華麗逆襲成為一國之主。【遊戲特色】—萌娃天降 童趣橫生 —人物Q萌,造型可愛 —華麗轉變 一國之主【官方資訊】《我要當皇上》官方粉團:https://www.facebook.com/BeAnEmperorMFG/
貓咪深夜食堂-模擬經營暖心餐廳 2.4
用溫暖美味的食物撫慰每一位深夜來到這裡的貓貓客人~ 遊戲特色 ※一款好玩的貓咪遊戲※模擬經營遊戲※懷舊氛圍、精緻料理、個性顧客,超有趣的貓咪深夜食堂※踏著月色來的神秘和服客人?個性迥異的貓貓顧客等待你的解鎖哦※解鎖並且強化你的貓咪廚師,成為貓界名廚,壯大深夜食堂,吸引更多顧客吧~※拉麵、豪華刺身船、香酥天婦羅、絕頂鰻魚飯...請解鎖更多的菜品,為您的貓咪顧客獻上最好的料理吧!目標是,將貓咪深夜食堂開遍日本:東京、大阪、鐮倉...遍布日本的每個城市!撫慰更多深夜裡心靈疲憊而有故事的貓咪。粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/貓咪深夜食堂-104967307904363/
Neko's Sushi Bar 1.5
Neko's Sushi Bar starts in Tokyo's small street. It is openfrommidnight to seven in the morning. Serve for tired Neko andhealtheir fatigue with yummy food. Now, it's time to scale up! -ANeko's restaurant simulation game - Unlock Neko guestswithdifferent stories - Upgrade Neko chefs, be FAMOUS in Neko'sworld!- Ramen, Tempura, Blue-fin Tuna Belly, provide best dishesfor yourguests! - Special events occurs under the moon night, trytocollect them! Open more restaurants all over the Japan:Tokyo,Osaka, Kamakura ...... Become the diner tycoon in Neko'sworld!Facebooklink:https://www.facebook.com/Nekos-Sushi-bar-101616701768419
口袋貓貓島 1.4
Build your own seaside holiday island
Solitaire Rush - 2048 8.0
The only aim is maximizing your score by merging the cardsfromsmallest to biggest one! Make 2048! Gain extra bonus pointwithmaking combos. Double, triple merge your cards to gain extrabonuspoints. And in the game, you may meet "Undo" Card, "WILD" Cardand"Bomb" Card. The "Undo" Card can increase one chanceforrevocation, the "WILD" Card can combine with any cards andthe"Bomb" Card can eliminate a whole column. The more you play,themore scores you will get. Although it looks simple,you may havetowork hard in order to get higher score. Game Features: FreeFreeFree Endless mode Easy control show off your record to yourfriendsDo you have any questions about the game? We are very happytosolve any problems you encounter in the game, please contact usintime. Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/pg/2048Solitaire/E-mail:cs.solo@gamemorefun.com
Skull Rider - Pixel RPG 1.0.5
Experience this Epic Pixel RPG completely for FREE!
New girl dress up story mobile game
Island Tycoon- Resort Simulator
Are you ready to become a tycoon by building your own resort?Bysimple clicks, you can start to build your own island resortinthis simulator! With luxury hotels, restaurants, andotherentertainment venues in this simulator, you can attractcustomersfrom all over the world, and gain huge idle income byserving them.With this idle income, make more investments to buildyour islandresort more beautiful and attractive, turn it into aparadise! Tryto build your dream island in this simulator, andbecome therichest idle tycoon among over millions of othersimulator users!Features: - Simple and addictive gameplay - Gainidle Profit, evenwhen you’re offline - over 100+ buildings seriesof differentthemes - Make small investment and gain huge idleincome - One ofthe best island resort simulator - Well-designed Art& Effects- Relieve Your Stress Easily
Cyber Savior
You can choose from over a hundred different cards, synergizingwithdifferent relics, building your own customized deck todefeatenemies in your adventure. Roguelike Adventure Every newgamegenerates a different map route, item drops, random events,andenemies, giving you a unique experience every time.CustomizableDeck Over a hundred different cards for you to buildyour own deck,outwit your enemies with strategic planning!Legendary Relic Choosethe right relic to synergize with your deck,unleash the maximumpotential of your deck. Unique Companions: Over50+ companions toteam up, collect their signature cards, joinforces to defeatpowerful enemies.
喵太郎食堂 0.0.1
A fun casual cat animal restaurant simulation hang-up game
Run!Zombie Run! - Survival RPG
Experience this Survival RPG completely !
"Little Skull Adventure" is a very fun text adventure puzzle typestory RPG game.
Mini Skull-Pixel Adventure RPG 0.1.14
No one is born a hero but you can choose to be one.
我要渡劫啦!不一樣修仙2 1.4.81
There is no boring fight. Today you can be a decent Taoistpriest,and tomorrow you can turn into a wicked demon god. You canalsoform a Taoist companion, practice with sect Taoists, and haveallkinds of small flowers to deworm the fairy tree!Differentcultivators can make your life happy!